2023/2024 Basketball registration
Players of all skill levels to play in a combined, developmental league where HAVING FUN while competing is the #1 goal
Reversible uniform
Basketball shoes
Combined grade division
Boys and girls separate
5 vs 5 teams
No scores kept
Players receive wrist bands to indicate who they are guarding
Individual grade divisions
8 game regular season starts in December
Teams request competitive or rec prior to starting
Teams evaluated after 2nd game to determine if they're in the right group for the remainder of the season
Community commissioners need to inform the league where to place each of their teams
End of season tournament in February
Single elimination for 2nd - 6th rec divisions
Double elimination for 2nd - 6th competitive
Smaller division will be evaluated
K1 teams play on 8 foot baskets using a size 27.5 basketball
2nd grade teams play on 8 foot baskets using a size 28.5 basketball
3rd grade teams play on 9 foot baskets using a size 28.5 basketball
4th - 5th grade teams play on 10 foot baskets using a size 28.5 basketball
Practice times & locations TBD
All games located in Argyle
Liberty Christian
After you click the button below and fill out the form you will be redirected to the payment page. Payment is due immediately.
You will also receive an email with further registration information, so be sure to check your spam/promotions folder.
If you prefer not to submit your payment on the next page and prefer an alternative payment option such as check, Zelle, etc., do NOT submit your payment at this time.
You will receive further instructions in the email you will be receiving after you submit your registration below on how to submit your payment. Please note however payment is due immediately.
If you have any questions feel free to reply to the email you'll receive or email us at info@HarvestYouthSports.org
We respect your privacy and will not sell or rent your information
I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number and email address, I agree to receive text messages and emails from Harvest Youth Sports for news, updates, and related information.
(940) 289-5389
2200 E Jeter Rd., Bartonville